Here is some advice from our friends at Crown Battery regarding the care and charging of your batteries. Given that a battery is a significant purchase, you want it to perform at the top of it’s game for as long as possible. Following the best charging procedures can save you a lot of money in the long run.
Here are 4 ways to keep those batteries charged up correctly and ensure a better return on your battery investment:
Use Proper Voltage:
Pay attention to the voltage requirements as provided by the manufacturer and make sure the charger you’re using provides that charge. If the charging voltage is too high, you risk damaging the battery. If the charging voltage is too low, the battery will never fully charge.
Don’t Try to Speed Things Up:
It may be tempting to try to up the voltage in order to charge the battery faster.....don’t. Overcharging will cause overheating and excessive heat will kill batteries, fast. You also want to avoid taking the battery off the charger before it’s fully charged. This will cause the charge to drain faster than it would will a full charge.
Don’t Store on “E”:
Always store your battery fully charged. Even when not in use, apply a full charge every 6 months to keep the batter in prime working order, as the charge on a battery will slowly deplete over time even if they aren’t being used.
Don’t Drop to “E”:
Do not let the charge of your battery drop all the way to empty if you can help it. Frequent recharges from a semi-used state, rather than charging from a completely depleted state are better for your battery.
For battery options available from Continuous Resources, click here.
To access the original blog from Crown Battery, click here.
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